
What is visual studio code lens
What is visual studio code lens

Git Code LensĪll the relevant information is right there. You tumbled over a line of horror from the past, and you want to blame someone right away? Just move the cursor in the line to see, that you committed that crime a couple of years ago. Don’t waste any more time navigation through Git when you can simply do it with GitLens. It was never easier to comprehend the history of the source code. When did this bug first come into the code base? With revision navigation, you can browse through the complete Git history of the current file. GitLens is Open-Source and the source code can be found on GitHub. Even if you don’t use Visual Studio Code, you can install GitLens for several IDEs. This extension, like the name suggest, brings countless functionalities and visual representation to Visual Studio Code. I am sure I don’t have to explain the benefits of a VCS, but if you use Git with Visual Studio Code, you have to install the GitLens extensions. Let’s be honest, if you really care about your source code, you are probably using some kind of Version Control Software (VCS). Anyway, I believe one or the other item of my list will make it into yours, so let’s start with the first pick. Nowadays, you don’t need any extension for displaying the bracket pair, simply turn it on in the Visual Studio Code settings with "": true. Over the years, many features from third-party developers have become a backed-in functionality – like the famous Bracket Pair Colorizer.

what is visual studio code lens what is visual studio code lens

Just right after the beginning of the new year, I have gathered my top five most useful Visual Studio Code extensions for 2022. Everyone loves a good Visual Studio Code extensions, and so do I.

What is visual studio code lens